A lot of people ask me, why travel? My first answer would be, why not? This blog is the culmination of many years' worth of free advice such as, "You should write a book!" or "You should publish a magazine!" I find that in today's world, when you want to know something, you simply pick up your smartphone or tablet and search. I do love my travel books, but I think the internet has a much larger audience.
So, why travel? Today is Thanksgiving in the USA. Many people have taken to posting something they are thankful for on Facebook every day of November. Not only am I thankful for travel, travel makes me thankful. After spending most of my life exploring the world, having lived in 3 foreign countries, and visiting many more, I would like to try to share that piece of my heart with you.
Travel can do many things for you.
1. It can take you to some amazing sights. This one is a given, but, speaking as an avid photographer, I can personally vouch for the fact that you will never capture a photograph that is as vivid as your own memory.
2. It can tell you about where you came from. As an American of mostly European descent, I have really enjoyed exploring Europe. It is absolutely fascinating to see my history by visiting these countries. If nothing else, there is so much of the 20th century that draws straight from Europe's history.
3. It will be a culinary journey. Is anyone in the mood for Italian? How about Thai? Here in the states, we throw around nationalities as a food group. Why not try the real thing?
4. It will give you a greater appreciation for home and what you have. Has anyone read the news? Even if you get all of your news from your social media, you will see that the world is constantly in turmoil. Not only does travel help you see and understand other cultures, it will also show you how small our problems are. There are a lot of people in the world who would greatly benefit from our help. Earlier this year, I was walking the "streets" of Kampong Phluk, Cambodia. I was there with 3 travel professionals and a small group of American tourists. Every one of us ran out of cash somewhere between the orphanage and the small 3-room school. Needless to say, visiting places like this will change you.
5. Experience is one of the few true investments in the world. Money, possessions, status can all disappear in a heartbeat. Your experiences and memories can be cherished forever. On a whim, I decided to go climb half-dome with another guide friend of mine last month. No pictures can even remotely capture the experience of standing on top of the world. We watched group after group begin the descent after only 5 minutes on top. We stayed for an hour and a half, and wanted to stay longer. These experiences can't be bought.
In conclusion (for now), I encourage everyone to try it. Get outside your comfort zone. Try something new. You never know where it may take you.
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